Sorry for the delay on this. I have some awards to acknowledge and sorry if some of you have these already. I think I need to find one of those filmstrip things to display the awards in my sidebar. If anyone knows how to do this please fill me in. Everyone deserves these wonderful awards because you all are awesome but I had to narrow it down.
Thanks to Crystal Cook for the Superior Scribbler award.
The award goes to:
2. Tess Hilmo
3. AJ Frey
4. Lilah Pierce
Thanks to Kimberly Franklin for the Blogger Buddie award.
The award goes to:
5. Karen G
8. Shelley Sly
9. E. Elle
10. Talli Roland
Thank you to Nicole Ducleroir, Lindsey from Dangerous with a Pen and Jen at unedited gave me this interesting award. All of them are really awesome and very talented writers. This award was created by Christi Goddard and the rules:
The rules:
1. Choose five followers/commenters that 'get' you2. Write something fake (preferably not too mean) about them
3. Link to them, and link back to this post to comment your receipt of the award

Here they are:
1. Roxy from a Woman's Write-She is a stunt motorcycle driver who races on the side. You may see her many talents in a variety of James Bond movies. How else would she know Daniel Craig?
2. Kelly at Kelly's Compositions- Kelly is really has an amazing super power. She can truly focus on five different projects at the same time and they all turn out brilliantly.
3. Crystal at write because you must-Crystal is a innocent housewife by day and a secret spy at night. She travels the world with her muse defeating evil in the dark shadows.
4. Jen at unedited-Is actually Princess Adelina from the underwater kingdom of Odessonia. Yes folks, she's a mermaid.
5. Kimberly Franklin-Kimberly is a famous interior designer. What? You have not heard of her? Please check out her site to see her amazing work. ;) Ohh and she is secretly trying to steal my best friend--you may know him as Edward.
How fun was this! A couple things to check out:
Roxy is posting a contest today.
Get over to the Beta Club at Fiction Groupie. Do some critiquing.
Don't forget First Page Blogfest tomorrow--Check out the details at Kelly's Compostitions.
A big Thank you to Karen G for her flattering post about me. Thanks Karen. :)
Don't forget about my contest. Click here for details.
Have a great day!