Hi folks. I'm back.
First, Thanks to the incredibly talented, awesome ladies who put on Write On Con. *applauding*
Second, I'm still revising. I thought if I took a few days off from blogging I would get a lot done, but I spent most of my time with my family. So the days were not wasted. I did attend Write On Con. I learned a lot and it made me think about a lot of things. It's like one of those moments when you think, wow. You sort get a view on life in general. See, I've been writing and revising at a rate that maybe a little crazy. I set a goal for myself and I'm trying to get there. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, in fact, it's good for me. What I realized is--not to be so hard on myself. I know, you're looking at me like really, you haven't figured this out already. Seriously? I guess in a way I need repeated beatings to get it into my skull.
A couple of the posts at Write On Con helped me see what my manuscript needs and what the next step is. It also made me realize that I need to step back, look at the big picture. My goal is to write great stories that will land me an agent and a book deal. Stories that I love. I've been doing that, but I've also been pushing myself to the point of thinking this is never going to happen, I'm too slow, and the whole confidence issue. I'm not going to slow down, just take my time on how I approach it and not get so worked up when I don't reach my daily goal or my main one. This will take a lot of strength, but I can do this. I planned to query by October. Still a reachable goal, but one I realize I may not meet. If that's the case, I will just re-adjust my plan. I can't get so worked up over it.
With that being said, here are some links to some great posts from Write On Con.
Check this out on Revising your Way to Success by Author Carrie Ryan
Writing a Great Query Letter by Literary Agent Jim McCarthy
Moments that Matter by Author Matt Myklusch
So you Wanna be a Writer? by Author Amy Fellner Dominy
Critique Groups 101 with the YA Muses
Your Own Hero's Journey: Advice from and Editor and Life Coach for Writers by Editor Kendra Levin
Are you Ready to Query? by Agent Kate Schafer Testerman
Don't Give Up by Author Beth Revis This one is the one that really makes you think. It makes you see how long it takes.
Need a genre definition. I found this helpful post by Jennifer Laughran. The big Ol'Genre Glossary.
So there you have it. My goal is to keep revising this week. I did work out some problem areas in my MS, now I have to re-work some things to make it work.
Any goals this week?
If you attended Write On Con or any recent conference, what did you learn?
Have a great day!