I've written about this in a guide format seen here, but I have to say I've learned more, and quite frankly, it's like learning a second language. I would love to be fluent in German. I know a little to get me by, but I've heard from others, who are fluent, that you know the language when you dream in that language. Is that true for writing, absolutely. It doesn't mean you know everything, but you're getting it.
So, the big debate are you a writer or not? Is that what you call someone when they have the traits below?
1. You talk to yourself. I mean, you talk to your characters. Others may think you're talking to yourself.
2. You can see what tense you're writing in. Yep, just got this one. You know my battle with it, well after tons of practice, I'm getting it. I can actually see it. Whew.
3. You constantly think of ways to describe something. I tried for hours thinking of ways to describe smoke floating over water or how to descirbe a matchbox car. It doesn't matter what it is you just think of words and when you can write them. In between my thoughts, my kids try to interrupt, but I keep trying to think of words, blocking out their little voices. Hope they didn't ask me for something. Eek.
4. You rather write than eat. Okay, I still like to eat chocolate, but I will give it up to write. Why do I hear crickets?
5. You carry a journal with tons of stuff jammed in it for ideas. Could be pictures of things, sketches, maps, tons of notes, you get the idea. You may be more organized than me. That's fine too.
6.When you talk to your significant other, you know they're talking, but you develop a haze over your eyes thinking about that one scene that will rock your MS.
7. You have papercuts all over your fingers. Hmmm who am I talking about?
8. You look for your character in a crowd of people, hoping you can find someone that looks like your MC that's living and breathing. Yes, I'm talking about someone else--not me. I would never do this. He he. :)
9. Your best ideas come at the most inconvenient times. Totally stinks.
10. You make sure your emails are grammatically correct.
11. You look for the noun, verb, etc. in a recipe for cheescake. I'm just sayin'. You continually look for these things.
Of course, the most important thing that makes you a writer is ---you write and you love it.
Anything to add? Please do in the comments.
I actually got half way through the first draft of my MS, and I have a lot of work to do, but I'm excited for revisions. Strange.
Have a great day!