I'm cracking at my first draft and I have to say, it's getting there. Here's the problem, when I'm super focused on one thing something else lacks. Right now my posts are lacking creativity, writerly advice, actually anything remotely interesting. So sorry. I thought I would give you my stats.
I started my second baby in February.
Tenative Title: Dream Thieves
Genre: Young adult paranormal romance (I tend to have to have romance in everything I write. I can't help myself.)
Pages: so far 183 (some pages are blank due to my writing out of order.)
Words: 43,323
There you have it. This is what's taking all my brain focus. Hopefully, I will start writing some creative and thought provoking posts, but when the brain is occupied, well, you know how it goes.
How's your progress coming along?
I must get back to work.
Have a great day!