Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do you have a song for your MCs?

So, I'm writing away. In fact, I don't want to stop. I even want to start revising the other WIP. I must concentrate on one at a time, right? As with everything I write, I have soundtracks that inspire me, and help me see my characters. You all know this. Since I write a lot of romance, okay, who am I kidding, pretty much everything I write has romance in it, my couples seem to have their song.

You  know when you're in a relationship and there's that one song that seems to define you as a couple. After you're married, you still have that one song too. You know "that" song, the song that made the stars glow extra bright, and made the world stand still as you and your love stare at each other in a dreamy state.

Sorry, I got away from myself. Anyway, my MCs, yeah, those couples have songs too. Okay, maybe it's just me, but I do have songs for them. No, I'm not crazy. At least, I don't think so. :) But I do have songs that put my sweet little couples in that dreamy state when they look at each other.

For my WiP #1 Ian and Anna's song --I will follow you into the dark by Death Cab for Cutie. You can check it out here. I'm not sure if it will work you tube was a pain this morning. Yeah, it's a little morbid, but it fits them, perfectly. Since this has been the longest story I've been working on, these two have two songs. The other-- Letters from the Sky by Civil Twilight.

It totally gives me the chills and makes the characters appear to me in a very real, and I mean real, visual.

For my WiP #3 Will and Livie's song--The Cave by Mumford and Sons. This fits them perfectly, and it fits the feel of the story.

For my WiP #4 Graham and Sadie's Song--Modern Love by Bloc Party. I'm such a sucker for british rock, especially indie. Since I'm working on this one right now, I've been groovin' to a lot of punk rock and indie british rock. I've been a fan of Bloc Party for a while and love them to pieces. This totally fits the feel of this story, and, boy, do they rock.

All my soundtracks are in my music tab above. If you've been following me for a while, you know music is a huge, really humongous, inspiration to my writing. That's probably why I like to talk about it so much.

Do you have any songs that totally fit your MCs, making it their song?

I hope to have an awards post Friday. I've been on a roll with writing so that seems to take up a lot of my time, when I have it.

Have a great day!