Monday, July 19, 2010

Lessons learned.

Hello--Did anyone miss me? That's right I've been gone for a week. A whole week with no internet. Yes, I did go through withdraw--shakes, headaches, breaking out in cold sweats. It was a little rough but I made it through. I went away with the family and we went to a place where the internet wasn't so great.  The trip was loads of fun and I learned/discovered many things.

1. Italy has the best food and wine. Is that a surprise to you? My daughter ate pizza everyday and loved it.

2. Munich is one of my favorite cities--it almost feels like another home to me.  I do love it here.

3. The Alps--I believe is one of the most beautiful places on earth. The breathtaking scenery let me see more detail for one of my scenes in my WiP.

4. If you haven't noticed I'm on vacation--the hubs is in doing a little work in Germany and we are visiting. We drove from Munich to Italy for a beach vacation. Loads of fun. Yes, I have a 4 1/2 yr old and a 2 yr old at my side.  I'm doing the best I can with that. There were a few times where the 2 yr old was almost a permanent resident of Italy.

5. Kids --will figure out how to play with each other no matter what language they speak. They figure out how to get along and work through any barriers that stand in their way. I think adults should learn from this.

6. Taking time away from my WiP has helped me in so many ways. You don't need to travel far to clear your head just a walk or a even a quick cleaning of your house can help. The trick is to discover something new no matter where you are and the creativity will flow through the clog.

7. We have one life-- make it the best you can-- enjoy the little moments of discovery along with the big ones. Push away what holds you back and try to do the things that make you happy (even if its for five minutes).

I hope everyone is well. I miss ya and hope to get back to commenting soon. I'm trying to write as much as I can so my comments and posts will be random. Oh, I did get to read a book--The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Awesome. I really liked it. I couldn't put it down. You know how read some books and think How did this get published? Then you read some books and think I have a long way to go on my road to becoming an author. This is one of those books--It made me realized how far I have to go on my journey but I will keep going at my pace of slow. :)

How was your weekend?

Any goals for this week?

What did I miss when I was without the internet?

Have you learned anything new?

Have a great day!