Monday, February 1, 2010

First Drafts

Happy Monday!

First, I wanted to tell everyone about a contest over at Anissa Off the Record. She will be posting everyday --in the month of February.  Check out the all details and prizes and tell her I sent you over.

Second, This will be short due to other demands that are flagging my attention.  First drafts --love them or hate them-- they are the beginning.  I am just about finished my first draft--I know I can't stop talking about it--and there is still a long road ahead.

Here is a little background of my journey so far:

My idea hit me hard in April 2009.
The song "Panic Switch" by Silversun Pickups began to play and I saw pieces play like a movie in my head of my MC's (this is how the majority of my ideas come about) running, kissing, driving.  It played more like a trailer to a movie --different scenes flashing as the music hit its dramatic highs and lows.

At the time, I had no laptop and didn't use my desktop too often due to convenience-- so I hand wrote most of it. 

When I finally got a laptop in September, my baby was born.    There you have it a quick little blurb on me.

 So here are my questions:

Typically, How long does it take you to whip out a first draft?

Do you remember where/when the first sparkle of an idea hit you to start your current WIP? If you want to give details feel free.

Have a great day!