Friday, June 25, 2010

Writing the Next Line Recap Part 1.

Welcome to the new blogger buddies. I hope to visit your blog soon. Here is the Writing the Next Line recap part 1. This one turned out awesome!!!You guys did great! I split it up into 2 parts so it would not be a super long post. So you can catch the second part tomorrow.

The Dead Sea by Alesa Warcan, Piedmont Writer, Matthew Rush,Amie McCracken,  Erica Mitchell-Spickard,  Alex J. Cavanaugh,   Tahereh,  Shannon O'DonnellTalli Roland,  Carolina Valdez Miller, and Jen.

I stared at the horizon. The thin amber light faded as the sun disappeared and the wind flowed thorough my hair as the boat sped through the water.

"Are we lost?" I yelled over the engine noise.

"I don't think so. There should be a channel marker right up here." Seth squinted trying to see in the dim light. I could just make out his high cheekbones and messy brown hair as the sun set. His T-shirt flapped as he pushed the throttle to speed up.

A loud clanging noise disrupted our travels. It came from behind us and the engine cut out.

I looked toward the back of the boat. "What was that?"

"Great. I don't know. I'll check it out," he said as he pulled a flashlight from the side compartment.

I crossed my arms,"I really think we're lost."

Seth aimed the light on the engine, taking off the cap."Stop it-- will ya," he said, annoyed.

The small waves lightly tapped the boat in a light rhythm and the water's brillant blue color now took on an eerie black as the darkness crept in. I put on my sweatshirt as the air chilled my skin.

I sat there waiting for his orders, my mind trying to calm my inner panic. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud hitting the front of the boat.

"I think we hit something," I said.

Seth flashed the beam around to me then made his crept along the side of the boat.

As he made his way to the front, I held my breath hoping it was nothing.

"Rachel, give me a hand will ya?" Seth said as he struggled to drag something bulky from the nose to the port bow.

I hurried to his side and helped maneuver the massive wooden coffer on board. It bore a tarnished brass plate bearing the name Mc. Guffin Esq.
The rusted lock was covered in barnacle, the wood swollen and slime covered.

"Should we open it?" I asked Seth.

"With what?" Seth looked around and all he had on board was the flashlight. He hit the lock with the butt of the light and surprisingly, it snapped open.
 Seth opened the lid. Inside was...

 a mummified body, wrapped in loose white linen and stinking of embalming fluid, the foetor assaulting our nostrils with nearly physical force.

We fell back covering our faces as the coffer began to slip back beneath the waves ...

 I reached out and grabbed onto the edge, holding it to the boat so it wouldn't fall. Seth just stared at me with his hand on his face. "Help please?" I begged.

A gutteral groan sent a wave of nausea throughout my body. Sticky wet fabric clung to my arms.

"Seth, it's grabbing my arm!"

***Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow. *** Hands clapping***You guys did a great job!
Have a great day!