Over the next few weeks things on my blog will be a little crazy. Summer has moved in and family things will be occurring so if I miss a few days--I did not leave. Welcome to my new blogger buddies can't wait to see your site.
Tomorrow Frankie will be hosting a Blogfest. You must write a love letter to your fav YA character. I hope to participate but my mind has been mushy so I'm not sure how creative I am at this moment. I definately want to check out the entries.
Thursday, July 1st--Michelle Gregory is hosting Share your Darlings Blogfest. You share a scene you love but had to delete from your WiP.
We all know what writer's block is, right? Nothing comes from that part in your brain that is supposed to be creative. Sometimes things dry up and nothing comes out. A black hole forms and your voice echoes as you ask--Is anybody in there? Yes, I've had this but recently I've had something different. Something I'm referring to as writer's clog.
Let me explain. I have been working my butt off (I wish this was actually true because I would like to lose a few pounds in that area--whole other issue) on WiP #1. Since it is the first novel I've finished, I've a lot of learning going on so I understand the slow process and constant revision. I'm going through my first revisions on it and can not get away from the beginning. I kept saying move on and come back, write down your ideas and return but the brain is not listening. So after 10 revisions of my first chapter, I came up with another idea for chapter 1.
I emailed my CPs a horrible version of my idea and waited for them to give me feedback. Their comments turned out pretty positive. Then I met with one of my CPs and she helped me brainstorm even more interesting ways to start my baby. (Thanks Kelly!)
I'm trying to let it simmer put it all together and hopefully have a kick butt writing session. The problem is all of the ideas are stuck. They are all blocking the filter that lets ideas flow smoothly. Everything is sitting there and my mind can't decide where to start. It doesn't help that WiP #3 keeps throwing visuals my way. Thank god WiP #2 is quietly entertaining itself on the otherside of my brain.
What kind of Draino do I need to clear this up?
I want to move on with the first round of revisions (because I have a lot crap to get rid of) and come back to this but I want to write it while it is fresh.
See --I have the ideas they are just clogging the drain. This, my friends, is not allowing the creative water to flow.
Has this happened to you?
What is your remedy?
Have a great day!