As you know, I like feedback, even though my stomach knots and nerves frazzle. Feedback is the way I learn, and a critique is the best way to get that feedback. I have a few CPs and I love them. They are awesome. Once I found them, we started sending our precious manuscripts back and forth in chunks.
But what do you say in your email back? Sure you state what you thought works and what might not work with possible solutions, but can you really say what you want to say in an email?
Tone of voice is hard in your writing, but what about an email? Sure, it should be just as easy to not sound mean or flat. I think I'm okay at doing this, but sometimes things are hard to explain in a simple email. I know you're laughing at me. Is she serious? Why can't she express herself in an email of a critique? She thinks she's a writer? Okay, stop please. Here's my point.
With critque parters all over the world, email is the easiest, but in some instances when I want to talk to them to really understand what they meant when they gave certain advice, I turn to Skype, yes, Skype. Some of you may use this already, and I think it works great. I started using this when my husband would travel and the kids wanted to see him. Then, one of my critique groups used it. Four gals from all over the country discussing our little loves. Now, you don't have to use video, so if you want to sit in your PJs or without makeup then shut the camera off.
Just recently I used it with my CP, Kelly. She's local and we usually meet up at the local B & N to discuss our stuff, but when a frickin' monsoon hit that flooded out streets, we were stuck. We decided to use the Skype and it worked great (as long as the power stays on.) To me Skyping helps to see the person's expression and to hear their tone of voice, even brainstorming is a lot easier. So, If you haven't tried it, I would recommend Skyping. It works for me.
Anyone use Skype?
Any other tips for CPs?
I'm hoping to get some writing in today. I'm super tired so sorry for the babble.
I hope you have a wonderful day!