Friday, September 17, 2010

Fun Facts Friday

So today is the last day to enter my contest. Go here to check out the details.

Here's how my week went.

1. Daughter started school.  **smiling**

2. As soon as I utter the words "back to school",  every person in the house sniffles and coughs. Yes, we all got colds. **not smiling**

3. The dark indecision cloud hovered over my house for days.

4. My one cat whined while the other layed sprawled out on the window seat--reminding me that cats from the same litter could have different fathers. That would explain the difference in my two tigers.

5. McDonald's still has smoothies. Yes, I got one. Yum.

6. Peanut butter and nutella make a great combo when you need comfort.

7. Can't figure out why I feel huge when I barely ate anything all week. Maybe the nutella and peanut butter had something to do with that.

8. Posted my two chapter ones on Teen Fire got some feed back to help with my indecision.

9. Revised the first three chapters and put two different chapter ones before each of them to see which one I liked.

10. Entered a writing contest and didn't win. Not that I thought I would--it just added to my week of crap.

11. Diagonsed myself with ADD and a severe case of pushing myself to write--outcome: writing crap.

12. Got more feedback regarding my chapter 1 and got an idea.

13. Revised the first four chapters with my final decision. Yikes!

14. Pessy is kicked my butt for most of the week. I think Opti went on vacation.

15. Realized Friday (today) is my birthday. Making me another year older, making me wish I realized this writing journey sooner.

16. Received a package from LuLu.

17. Opened the book Lightning Spliced by Zellie Blake. Softly smiled and read the introduction.

18. Confusion set in because I believe things happen for reasons but don't  understand why some things happen.

19.  Read the introduction again.

20.  Pushes me to continue. Life's too short and regret is not something to live with. You never know what is around the corner so live each day to it's fullest.

With that said go live and enjoy. Do what you believe and always remember to follow your heart.

Oh and yes today is my birthday but it's also blogger buddy Kimberly Franklin's. Go give her some b-day wishes. I think I'm her age in my head. ;)

Have a great weekend! Contest winner will be announced on Monday.