Silversun Pickups
Neck of the Woods
So, I got it, and I LOVE it. There's something about this band that sets off fireworks in my brain, allowing me to see scenes of my story that I need to see. It's weird. My current MS is a challenge. I love it when I read it, but parts have me stumped. In my crazy ways, I skip around and write scenes that are clear. Not efficient, I know, but it's how I work. I've listened to this CD a dozen times, if not more (keep in mind I have two small kids so I only get to really listen to it in the car, while my kids fight in the backseat), and it jumped started lots. It's amazing what can set off your brain.
Short and sweet today. I have to finish writing notes to an MS critique for a crit partner and I must start writing these scenes before this CD melts in the player.
How was your weekend?
What sets off your brain to a full electrical storm?
Have a great day!