What have I been doing? Lots of stuff with my kids. Who knew they needed entertainment every second of the day. I really thought as they got older, they didn't need as much of it. Basically, I planned things for them every week and it was fun, but exhausting.
One of the most awesome cities ever.
My writer brain is about to spill over with words. If you see that some one's brain exploded and words fell out, yeah, that would be me. I get anxious when I don't write. It makes me cranky and has me pacing. I miss it. I wrote a little over the summer and thought a lot about my characters, but not enough to satisfy the creative portion of my soul.
So, yes, I'm ready for a routine and I can't wait to write.
How about you? Does it feel like your head is about to pop if you haven't written in a while?
Have a great day!!