Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun Facts Friday

I have to say Spring Break with kids is exhausting and I'm looking forward to a normal routine. On with the facts.

1. I had a new idea keep me up and I'm super excited. Yes, my slump is over and I'm finally beginning to focus. It's refreshing.

2. Lots of chocolate will be eaten this weekend. Especially:

3. I love that the weather is warmer, but I need to get back to exercising (and limit the chocolate eating). Bathing suit season is coming--yikes. Do you like how I posted huge pictures of chocolate and then I talk about exercise?

4. I'm trying to figure out how to write a one paragraph synopsis. It's a lot of info in a small package.

5. Anyone watch Grimm on Friday nights? It's getting good. Although, I think the sidekick is funnier than the lead.

How was your week?

What's your favorite chocolate?

Any weekend plans?

Have a wonderful weekend and Easter.