Yep, I was absent for most of last week. It's summer, and well, things are not normal here. My routine is off, and if I get a moment of quiet, I'm writing. With that being said, my posts may not be as frequent as they normally are.
I am moving along in my new MS. I did reach 16K and I know I have so much to revise, but it's funny cause this time around, I'm more focused. I'm not worried about which method I should use. Yes, many people post how they write and there are even books on method, but the funny thing is you don't know yours until you've tried them all and once you find your groove, things seem a little more clearer. It's like a part of you calms down cause you know what works for you.
When I started this journey, I really had no idea what I was doing. I thought I did, but I didn't. I just wrote that's it. After I started blogging, I learned there is more to it and what to look for. For a while, it really stressed me out. I thought I was doing things wrong and I had to do things a certain way, until recently. Yes, I learned a few things about myself, but I also learned what's right for me.
I'm not a strict outliner. I know this. I do some planning, mainly in my head. I visualize a scene of the beginning, something in the middle, and maybe the end. I briefly figure out what I think I want to happen, but it really doesn't develop until I write it, and let me tell ya, those characters take me to places I never even thought of. So, yes, I let the characters decide, then when it comes revision time, I have it my way (at least that's what I tell myself).
I also write out of order if I have too. When I get stuck and I know what happens in a later scene, I write it. It sometimes gets me through those scenes that make my brain come to a halt. Another tid bit is--I need music, well, most of the time. I know, weird, but it helps me.
So, what am I saying? That no matter what your method is make sure it works for you. Sure, try all of them if you want, but if something doesn't work don't force it. It inhibits creativity. Do what feels right for you.
Have you figured out your method?
Have a great day!