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This is how I felt when the virus hit and also how I feel trying to write something new. Funny how the looks go hand and hand.
How do you think I felt? Yep, heart melted and an ache pulsed around my eyes traveling to my forehead. But wait, I have an external drive that I back everything up, but I was backing up my files when this virus hit so when I went to search on the external there was nothing. I hear your silence and maybe a gasp. Yeah, I was freaking out. All the pictures of my kids, other info, and all my writing files--gone. Poof. Like it never existed. (Oh story idea--sorry this sometimes happens to me when I encounter scary situations.)
After composing myself (it took a little bit of cursing and tears), I opened Word and went to my recent files. About 12 things showed up and I could open all of them. The hubs told me it's there, it has to be. So after we both did some research, it turned out the virus hid all my files, and since I was backing up at the time, it hid all those files too. Needless to say, I've found everything and lesson learned. Have more than one back up. It also made me realize how much work I've done and how much it means to me. Yes, I knew this before, but I felt so helpless when it was gone almost like a part of me was stolen. It amazes me how words can mean so much.
How many backups do you have?
Have a great weekend!