Yep. I'm still here. I have to apologize for the absence, but I've been writing, and well, as much as I love all of you, writing is what I need to tend to first.
So, I decided to revisit the manuscript I wrote last fall. And I have to say, I'm excited. Now, as you all know this feeling doesn't last through the whole process. There will be a point of I-hate-you, but you know that feeling when no matter what, you will see this through. The love runs deep.
Writing something new makes you feel like you jumped off a cliff into space. That first draft is a plunge into the darkness. The possibilities are endless, but the unknown is exciting and frustrating at the same time.
Then when you finish that draft a feeling of euphoria. You should be this way because you have just finished something not many people do.
After a small break, revisions travel over like a storm cloud. They hang there waiting for you to transform your story into something that shines. This is where I am with this one. I'm about to step into the ring and wrangle this animal. I'm at the point where it's all I can think about even when I sleep. A flurry wiggles in my belly eager to get started. Ready to take it on. Today is the day I start. It's funny how each manuscript is different just like kids. This is my third novel and I still get excited and scared at the process. You would think I would be used to it. The whole unknown sort of freaks me out, but it's a good thing.
Well, I may be down to 1-2 posts a week with this revision taking my attention.
How are your goals coming along?
Have a great day!