Yeah, your butt, your behind. I think I'm getting the butt of a writer. I naturally have had wider hips than the average lady, but sitting a lot, does nothing for it. Now, this may not apply to the guys (just statin' the facts, I'm not a hater) or some of you model like gals (again not a hater, a little jealous, but not a hater).
I mean, really, you sit for hours looking at a screen, creating, (I'm not going into what this is doing to my eyes, which are already in bad shape--most of us wear glasses, right? That's a whole other post waiting to be written), traveling to other worlds, etc. And most of my motivation to do anything else is poured into my passion, so as much as I want to run cause I know it will tone me, that motivation moves to putting another piece of chocolate in my mouth. Hey, it's easier than getting up and sweating.
So, I thought how can lose weight, well tone, and write because we all know I'm not stopping that.
1. I want to run and type so maybe the Wii can be involved, somehow, I'm just throwing this out there. Would it look weird? Controller in one hand, the other hand on the keyboard...that's an accident waiting to happen. And the typing may not be the best.
2. Make it easier. Stand and type, you're not sitting so everything that was going to the butt is going down to your feet. Although, I'm doing this right now and it's not good on the back.
3. Yeah, so out of ideas already. I guess I have to go back to dividing my time. **groan** My ADD will be mad at that one, since it likes to do two things at once. I like trying to accomplish two things at once, it gives me more time. Wait a sec. It gives me more time to write. Dividing my time it is.
Are you dividing your time, getting some exercise? I need to pump myself up for it. A little fresh air could help the creative juices. **opens door** **cringes** Except when it's 100 degrees and the humidity ceases all air flow to my lungs. Yeah, motivation definitely needed.
Let me know some of your motivation techniques to get into the mood of exercise.
Have a great day!