So, I'm back in the revising cave. I'm trying super hard to focus on my revisions and I'm getting there. I'm actually rewriting the second half and I'm wondering if that's even worth it. I have so many stories to tell, but the only way to learn is to stick it out and see it through. Write and learn. I'm tearing it apart and looking at what needs to be done.
The thing is, I have two other manuscripts yelling at me. The usual deal. Just when you thought you could focus, right? Now, I'm writing down my ideas and putting them aside so that when I'm ready to take on those bad boys, I'll know what I want to do. Easy peasy.
The problem is, I start to get this attack that since I'm a sloth at writing, I will miss my chance. What I'm writing may be just starting to be the trend, but when my sweet babies are ready to enter the big bad world, they will be old and wrinkled. The time will have blew right by me. It's an ongoing cycle and one I keep dealing with on a daily basis. So, I have to keep focused, which is easier said than done, but I'm working on it.
For now, I will keep revising and see where it takes me.
Are you staying focused?
Have a great day!!