First, thanks to the amazing Alex J. Cavanaugh for hosting this group every month. Writers are insecure and we need all the support we can get. Thanks Alex!
Last night, I went to my yoga class. It's taken me a year, but I finally decided to start going again. When life takes over, I tend to forget to take care of me. As I went through the motions that the instructor so calmly spoke, I started to think. My mind is never blank, it's always in motion. I tried to organize my thoughts, trying to hold on to one. I finally slowed it down, let the stress release, and let my head somewhat clear.
New ideas came through and ideas on how to change or revise other manuscripts made themselves known. I know I wrote a post similar to this last year, when I started yoga. This is a reminder that you have to take care of you. You have to take a moment and soak in the suns rays and breathe. Besides all the hustle and bustle of real life, writing life can be just as nuts.
I'm always trying to keep my writing up. If I don't accomplish a certain word count or a certain amount of pages revised, I feel like I've let myself down, I'm falling behind or missing opportunity. But it shouldn't be that way. Writing is a part of me, yes. I feel empty without it and I try to learn and practice everyday, because I want to grow and write stories that I love with the hope to share them with the world. But I also have to keep in mind that taking care of me is important too. It soothes the soul and energizes the mind. Taking care of yourself can boost creativity and energy.
So with the whole hub bub of the holiday season, take a moment to regroup and take some time for you-- to just breathe and think. You will be happy that you did.
Have you taken a moment for you?
Please go check out the other participants.
Have a great day!!