Friday, December 14, 2012

Fun Facts Friday

Well, it's the height of the season. Let's face it, you are busy beyond what you would normally be so I will make this short and to the point.

1. I say this every year, I love the holidays, but I don't like my schedule going askew (same goes for summer vacation). I'm trying to learn to enjoy this even though I get grumpy because I haven't written on a daily basis.

2. I tell myself thinking and working out details of a manuscript need to satisfy my creative needs.

3. Check out this link on Micro-tension by Donald Maass. It has a great exercise at the end of the post.

4. I do love baking this time of year. Chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles are my fav.

5. My kids will get to see New York this year in all it's Christmas glory. I can't wait to see their eyes light up when they see this:
Do you have holiday traditions you would like to share?
Does your writing suffer this time of year and how do you feel when it does?
What is your favorite holiday treat?
Have a great weekend!!