Over the weekend, I attended a workshop taught by the lovely Frankie Diane Mallis. It was very informative. If you happen to be in the Philly area, keep tabs on Musehouse Literary Center. They have some great workshops and maybe Frankie will be teaching another one in the future.
I've been thinking on how to spice the blog up. Really, I talk a lot, but it's about feelings and such, and that will not change, but I want to start posting about the craft and what I learn. I know I've done this before, but I feel like I should do this more. So, you will be seeing some more posts on strengthening the craft. Why? Well, because, I'm always learning and it doesn't hurt to share what we learn.
You see, I'm not technical. Yep, you heard me. I'm not the most technical. I write more on instinct than anything else so I need to keep strengthening my technical muscles. It will require me to dive back into my library of craft books, and as you know, that's a hard thing for me to do. I'm a visual learner and unless the book is written well, in other words not like a textbook, then I should be okay.
I'm also about to jump back on the revision train. My first draft is almost finished and I have a MS that has been patiently waiting for my attention. That means I will be switching gears after turkey day and jumping into revisions. So, I will be reviewing my notes and trying to make that baby shine.
I figured along the way as I review, I will post my findings. I'm sure I've written posts on many of these topics, but hey, I might write them better this time around.
Have you learned something new lately?
I will also be adding some tabs at the top on helpful links and such so stay tuned.
Have a great day!!