So, I've been working on my whole deal-with-everything mode. As you can tell it's rusty and is still in the works. In order to make sure I keep my writing time, things get passed over like blogging. This led me to think about social media. I do take breaks from it for good reason (it can make you nuts and feel totally inadequate). But I started to think which platform people are on. It's not like I have a career to promote at the moment, but I do like to be on top of these things.
At one point, blogging was the hot ticket and I was (if you look at my archive) blogged everyday. After a while, I ran out of things to talk about and felt as though I was repeating myself. I didn't have anything exciting to discuss nor did I feel like I was an expert in anything to help with anything. So, for me, my posts made a decline. It was hard for me to keep up. I did enjoy the community though. It was supportive and it felt like I belonged to something. But a lot of folks were in the same boat as me, I think, where they needed the blogging time to write. Makes sense.
Then there's Facebook. I tend to use this for more personal things even though I discuss my writing woes and triumphs, but for me this is more for close friends and family. At the moment, I don't need an author page so I'm not familiar with the success of that.
Let's jump over to Twitter. Fast paced to which I can't keep up. I do post things but I never know why. I can't stay on it long because it takes up a lot of time, and really, do people even care what I have to say. I'm not witty. At least, I don't think I am. Other than chatting with friends and posting my writing status, I will promote other people's books and put up links to helpful posts. Again, I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes in sea of constant tweets.
Now onto Tumbr. Um. I do have an account, but all I seem to post on there are links and some book promos for others. In fact, it confuses me a little. Maybe I'm too old to get it. Not to mention the time it takes to go through all the posts.
Google + ? I have an account but never use it. I think I did it to check it out, but haven't used it since.
So there you have it. This is what I've been on and I'm not sure what is working and what isn't. I know there are other sites, but I really don't want another time sucker. In fact, I'm trying to focus on writing more than anything else, but it is nice to discuss things now and again. I guess I want to hear from you.
What are you on and why?
What works?
Should more time be put into one at different stages of you?
I'm not sure of my blogging schedule. I'm sort of leaving it up to how my week goes. Fridays are starting to become more hectic than before so I may be posting randomly for a while.
Have a great day!!