Monday, May 19, 2014

How I Found The Write Path Blogfest

Today, I'm taking part in How I Found the Write Path Blogfest. A big thanks to Carrie Butler for putting all of this together. Check out the other amazing participants here.


Dear Past Self,
Hey there! It’s me, you, but in the future. Crazy, right? Anyway, this journey you’re about to embark on is crazy hard. Deep down, I think you know that, but you have to face it and embrace it. There will be a ton of rejection and heartache. Lots of tears and those demons that like to make you feel like you’re not worth much. Yep, they’ll come. When you query, they’ll double, well, triple in size.
Stay strong. I know it’s easy for me to say, but you must. You need to take the support when others offer. It’s okay. It’s doesn’t make you weak. You know the people I’m talking about. They’ll guide you and help you in so many ways. So listen to them.
And don’t compare yourself to anyone. ANYONE. Everyone’s path is different.  It’s true. I know you’ll try and ignore me, but it’s really true. All the feedback you get will be left up to you to determine. That whole follow-your-gut thing. Yep. It’s true. You need to keep writing everyday and taking the opportunities that you know are good for you. Trust me.
When you query, let things slide off. Rejection only makes you stronger. I know that’s something everyone tells you, but it’s true. It still hurts, but you'll learn how to channel the hot pokers that strike your heart. Always be aware that there are options in publishing so keep an open mind. Success is only what you make it. And opinions are just that—opinions. Throw them up and let them fly like petals on the wind. Make sure to keep the ones you cherish close to your heart. You’ll know who means well.
The confidence you have now will fade in and out. It may even get crushed. Don’t let it. Remain strong and believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, it’ll show. Never EVER think you’re below anyone. Your path is different from the others. That’s all. When you’re at the point where it seems like everyone in the world is published or has an agent but you, you’re still not below anyone. So please, don’t think that.
Patience is also key. Now I know you pretty much have none so figure out how to deal with waiting months and months (possibly never) from agents. It’s how this all works. There are no short cuts. Everything takes time so distract yourself by writing something else. It’ll do you good. Think about it, the more you write the stronger you become.
And the biggy--this is all subjective. Not everyone is going to like your stuff. You don’t like every book you read so not everyone will like yours. All you need to do is keep writing and enjoying the process of creating magic. All those characters in your head need a life on paper; otherwise, they’ll drive you nuts when they talk all at once. No sense in that. You don’t want to look crazy.
So keep going. You’re on the right track. One day things will happen and some people will love your stories. Just believe in yourself and crush the doubting demons. They aren’t kind and only hold you back. You are amazing and you will get there.
Your Future Self

Christine Danek
Twitter @christinedanek

"I give permission for my entry to be included in the e-book compilation without royalties and/or separate compensation."