Thursday, July 19, 2012

A brief note about WRiTE CLUB

How's every one's summer going? I can't believe how fast it's flying by and I sort of can't wait to get back onto a solid schedule. So far, summer has been good, but my writing has been just going. I'm not sure I'll meet my goal, but I'm working on it.

The thing about summer is your brain may go on a little vacation. It's fine. The brain needs a break now and again, but I see September approaching and I'm ready to dig into some hard core writing. So how about a warm up. Ya know, get those gears turning. There's a little competition going on and it sounds awesome.

Some of you may have participated last year and for some of you this may be new. DL Hammons is hosting (Thanks DL, this is amazing), and wait till you see the final judges.
That's right--WRiTE CLUB. I love the whole idea. Write 500 words and submit. And it's anonymous. See . . . it's a win/win. Each week two submissions go head to head until there are two, then the final judges pick a winner. Like I said, the final judges are amazing.

So, why are you still reading this? Go and check it out!!! You have nothing to lose.

Go here to sign up and read the official rules.

Good luck!!

I'll be back on a regular schedule soon!!

Have fun and happy writing!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group

I almost forgot about this. So, after this post I may be on a hiatus. Anyway, thanks to the amazing Alex J. Cavanaugh for putting this whole thing together. Go check out the other participants.

Like I said the other day, I have nothing new to say about my writing. I'm writing and learning and well, it just goes on. Queries come and queries go. Lessons learned. It's been beating me hard, but I'm trying not to let it get to me. One thing I do know is I sometimes do things in a complex way and I pick the hardest way to go.

Here's what I mean:

-For my first novel, I decided to write it from two POVs. One from a girl and one from a guy. I couldn't just write my first novel from one? No, my brain takes the most difficult route. Hey, and throw in scifi and souls. Why not?

-I write out of order.

-For my current novel, I decided to have my main character slide into the body of another person. Easy right? Ha. Now, I must figure how to write this from the main character's POV while the other body goes about her day.

See what I mean. Complicated, but challenging. That's what I keep doing to myself. I'm challenging myself to it. I don't take baby steps, I jump in and take it all on. It's funny because through most of my life, I turned away from anything that was super hard. I might have given up on things or even just never tried, but with writing, it's weird, I go for it. Sometimes without even realizing it.

Do I fail? Yeah. Lots. But as hard as it is it's the only way I know how to go. I think it's the only way I learn.

Have you challenged yourself lately?

Have a great 4th of July!!


Monday, July 2, 2012


Oh summer, I do love this season, but I never realized how busy I am. I will be taking a short hiatus. Things are quite hectic here, and every chance I get, I'm writing. These characters are at the point where they are screaming at me.

I may pop in for a post, but I can't guarentee my normal schedule till mid-July or mid-August. Don't think I'm not dropping in on you folks. I will be scanning the blog roll.

Plus, my life in the writing world is not all that exciting. I'm working hard and still hoping for something to present a positive light. I just keep telling myself--one day, one day, keep writing. A little frustrating, but I'm working through it.  

If you are in the West Chester area August 25th come to PAYA. Check out the line up. It's awesome. Also, PLN will be meeting up the same day in West Chester too. Double win. I'll have more info on PLN closer to the date.

Happy Fourth of July and happy writing.

What's new with you?

Have a great day!