Hi everyone! It's been a while, but I've been writing lots so one thing has to be limited for me to focus.
Thanks to the lovely
Ilene Gregorio (NONE OF THE ABOVE Balzer
& Bray/ HarperCollins 2015) for tagging me in the My Writing Process Blog Tour! Go check out her site and make sure you check out her debut NONE OF THE ABOVE in 2015. Thanks Ilene. Also, check her out on twitter @IWGregorio.
am I working on?
currently working on revisions for COURIER my fourth novel. It’s a YA light scifi. I’m really
excited about it because in takes place in a city I adore, Munich,
Germany. Although, I’m always starting
new ideas and tweaking other manuscripts. My brain never stops. For instance, I'm starting to brainstorm a new fantasy novel, but the MC is a little shy.
does my work differ from the others of its genre?
good question. I tend to write with a
contemporary feel but throw in something that isn’t of this world. Maybe
because I wish that’s how real life should be--a little unpredictable and
mysterious. I also would love to have a super power, but I have a hard time limiting it to just one.
do I write what I do?
stuck in the mindset of a seventeen-year-old so I think it was inevitable that
I gravitate towards YA. The paranormal and scifi stuff is what I wish would
happen in everyday life. Hey, you never know. There are a lot of unsolved mysteries out there. It helps me escape the everyday
hum drum.
does my writing process work?
I have to say, I'm always discovering my writing process. I know when I started out, I was a total pantser. I wrote what came to me with no real direction so that led to many, many, many revisions. Now, I
like to call myself an organized pantser. I usually start out knowing the beginning,
some of the middle and end, and then write those scenes that I visualize in my head. Lately though, I’ve made sure once that’s
done, I go through and get the character arc down and the plot just so I have
something to follow. It's not fully detailed just general ideas. Once I start writing the whole thing though, it can
change. I like getting to know the character through writing it. This process
has its cons but it’s comfortable for me.
Well, that's my crazy process. What's yours? Thanks again to Ilene for tagging me. And now I must tag two more fine writers. So go check them out.
Kim Chance is writer of YA Supernatural/Paranormal fiction and is currently working on her first novel, KEEPER, which she is hoping (and praying!) will one day be on bookshelves everywhere! When she isn't writing, she's busy being a full time mommy to twin girls and a high school English teacher. You can find her blog at: kimchance.com Twitter: @_KimChance
Ashley Zarzaur writes Harry Potter fan fiction, and has delved into that world since early 2003. When she's not writing, she's involved in the ever impressive MMORPG World of Warcraft, playing with her two nephews and one niece, and enjoys reading, watching "The Big Bang Theory", and laying around in pajamas to do absolutely nothing! Her blog: http://ashleyfanfic.livejournal.com/
Twitter: @ashleyfanfic
Have a great day!!