Fear. Everyone fears something. You can't tell me you don't (if you don't tell me how). I have typical fears--fear of heights, spiders, the monster in my closet . . . See where I'm going with this. But I also have the fear of failure, rejection, blah, blah, blah. Heard it before, right?
As writers, we have tons of fears. Some of us can hide it better than others. When I first started this journey, my lack of "experience" made me, shall I say, naïve. So, I found myself more confident than I probably ever been. As time went on, and I gained more knowledge and experience, confidence started fraying and even breaking off to catch the breeze. It's odd, but something that I need to catch again.
It's not that I can't take the heat, I'm scared out of my skin to get back out there. Fear of rejection and that anything I produce is never perfect (yes, perfectionist here) is mostly the problem and it's freezing up my brain. I sit down to write and can't. It's frustrating and annoying. So I need a kick in the tushy. That's right, my tushy. I need a huge slap in the face to get motivated. To push through the blockade that's keeping my creativity hostage. Because lately, I've barely made baby steps. I'm trying to revise, and to be quite honest, I think I'm making the dang story worse (over revising possibly). I need to stick to something, ignore the internet and all opinions, and kick some story writing butt.
So give me your motivations. Your advice on pushing through and sticking to it. And how to scare the fear out of you.
Have a great day!!